Sunday, February 11, 2007

True Love?

i just finished watching "A Walk to Remember". My second time seeing it in years. Really good movie. Now I'm watching "The Notebook"

You might think it's stupid....some of you guys might even think it's "gay". Funny how men think they can't watch movies like that cause it makes them look "weak" or "feminine" (if that's the correct spelling)

any ways...sorry that it's been a while that i've posted anything. been really crazy around here and in texas. here we go....

my aunts husband died a couple of weeks ago. had to go to texas for the family. it was good to see them....but i wish it could of been better circumstances.

i didn't get into "Candlefuse". that was a big hit for me. reason why, is because I didn't fit the "part". The dude that got the part is buddies w/ the bass player. I guess it's true about what they say "it's all in who you know". someone told me it's their lost...i wanted to agree, but to tell you the truth, they are the ones touring and playing every where. oh well

work has it just feels like i am doing the same things...saying the same things (well, the new microsoft vista helped chang things a little bit), but...honestly....i've haven't enjoyed my job in a while. don't get me wronge...i love best buy, but....i don't wake up in the morning and tell myself "ok...time to go to work and have some fun". it's changed to "ah come's already morning. do i want to get up or call in sick?....ah....bills....guess i'll get up"
it snowed a couple of days ago....for two days! just a couple of's better than nothing.

i got to play w/ jonathan martin a week ago. got to record too. i've missed that. it's been a while. and my room mate, cj, have been recording here and there @ the apartment. check it out it's nothing AMAZING. it's just two guys having fun. so...don't expect great vocals from me. remember, im a drummer. "Get Up" and "Draw Me Near" are CJs songs and "Heart Of Worship" and "Coming as I Am" are mine. we did all the bass and guitar parts and cjs the man behind the drum loops.

well, back to the main point. have any of you ever been in love? like...true love. these movie just make it look easy. makes it seem effortless. makes it seem "real". to bad it's holloywood. it's all make believe.

when you love someone...aren't you suppose to make each other happy? aren't you suppose to help each other out through everything you go through? for richer or poor. through sickness and in health. i think we have lost that. i think we got this picture perfect LIE of how a marrige should be. there are no fight. no moments where you want to kill one another. well, hate to break it to you....but there isn't a thing as a perfect marrige. and if you don't believe me...well, whenever you get married and have a fight or think badly of one another....remember that you read this blog and said "he's full of it. my marrige is going to be the way i've always pictured it" can't wait for you call to tell me sorry. I know that i will do everything in my power to make WHOEVER i marry happy. but will i ever get selfish....well...hell yeah...i'm a human. and a guy. when do we get anything right the first time. but when i say "for better or worst" well, i'll mean it. "for richer or poor"...shoot...i'll mean that too. i don't expect to have everything. but what i do expect is that...whenever i get married it's going to be, maybe, the best thing in the world. aside of having my first born child, that i pray it's a boy! :-)

well, i think i am done for tonight. If i hurt your feelings....i'm sorry. if i made you sad or anything....i'm sorry. but this is just how i feel about this.
divorce is so high now. (i think so...i didn't look it up or anything) but it makes me sad for all the kids that have to deal w/ such things. hurts me really. hurts me that two people can't fix things between them so their marrige can work. i am more thing. this does not go out to any one i know. this is something that i've just been thinking about.

and if you haven't seen either of the movies i mentioned...go see them. and if you are a guy....if you have to watch it by yourself and late @ night so no one knows you saw's worth it. Get into the movie. For one night....believe in love...

i leave you w/ this....
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and keeps no record of being wrogned. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures thourgh every cicumstance" 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

well, some of you might ask me "do you believe in divorce?" PERSONALLY don't believe in it. For some people, it might be the only thing that can be best for both of them. I will do everything in my power to fix my marrige befor it gets to divorce. I am done.


edwin <><


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