Friday, November 03, 2006

For You

I heard a voice through the discord
A deluge of passersby
I saw one gaze frozen in time
Watching me passing by

I swear I'll know your face in the crowd
And I'll hear your voice so loud
When you're whispering

Hey unfaithful I will teach you
To be stronger
Hey ungraceful I will teach you
To forgive one another

Here's my kiss to betray
Desperate to brush the lips of grace
Do you feel hollow when you think of how I lied?

Oh sweet angel of mercy
With your grace like the morning
Wrap your loving arms around me
Oh sweet angel of mercy
With your grace like the morning
Wrap your loving arms around me

Hey unfaithful I will teach you
To be stronger
Hey ungraceful I will teach you
To forgive one another
Hey unfaithful I will teach you
To be stronger
Hey unloving
I will love you
And will love you

Jesus I'm ready to come home
I'm ready to come
Jesus I'm ready to come home
And unloving
I will love you


tonight was brought to my attention that this world is coming to an end.....

it's hard to look around and try to find hope in anything....hard to find peace w/ all this terror around us.

I wrote a song about a year ago called "what love is". What made me write it...(i think i blogged about forgive the double blogging)...well, i was talking to my friend at work and we were talking about how computer (mostly laptops) are made just to be replaced by another one in 5 to 6 months.

Basically....they are meant to be thrown away.

and that's when it hit me...."is everything made to be thrown away?"

I want to believe that I am made for a reason.....something beyond my controll...but it's so difficult to believe that when I am told that the end is near. That our days are numbers.....make me sad...makes me upset...makes me scared.

but the bible tells me that I am to be comforted by these whispers of war....whispers of Jesus coming back.

Is it because I have lost friends that I could be reaching out to? Is it because I am living this life selfishly?

or is it because I know that He is coming back? because these are my final days....

but I should be happy that I will be taken to a better place. I place where I will be walking streets of GOLD! Where I will meet my heavenly father face to face. I will be able to pet a lion.....

I hope that I am pleasing God w/ everyting I do. I hope that my mustard seed faith is enough.....well, i know it is...cause He said that's all I need to move a mountain...."faith like a child" like a song once said

but all you have to do is walk outside and hear the world crying....or you can just turn it on to CNN or FOX NEWS or some major news station and see it...

seems that we are just worried about ourselves. that we want to surround ourselves w/ things that will drive the world away. like a big house, a fast car....kinda funny that all of that can be taken away so fast and easily.

i don't know.....maybe this is my just thinking after midnight...but...honestly...

what are you living for? yourself?

or are you maybe making a difference in other people lives?

don't waste this life....this one life that you have to live....go make someones day.....go make someone feel loved....give a homeless person some change.....give some a hug and a kiss on the build a house for someone in someone.....give some one thanks or even praise....

but don't do this so one day it all can be done to you.....we sometime take love or friendliness as a game of tug-o-war. You don't do something for someone for the hope of getting something equally back. You do it out of the act of love....kindness....your reward is something much greater.

i'm sorry...i'll stop...just one more thing....

"Go make a life......not a living...." - Jason Mraz


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