Sunday, October 23, 2005

This week the trend.......

Recorded at Belmont this afternoon. It was great. I was asked to play with a friend, Jesse, and this band that wrote a song for his studio project. It's an awesome song. Take Skillet and Pillar, and put them together. That is what the song sounds like. I took my drum-set cause you guys remember how I was disappointed with the drum set there. So can't wait for that song to be done. Oh, about the other recording session, I will be getting a cd soon. So, hopefully I can put it up on my blogs. I got pros and cons of the recording session.

PROS: I got to record! I got alot of freedom on this song. The guys were cool with me throwing ideas for the song. Those guys rocked! Jon and some of my friends showed up too. (Jon, Tim, Alyssa, and Chansin) I thought it was cool of them to just come and watch. But whenever I looked behind me...there was like 15 people at the door. IT WAS NUTS! It was tight that some people stood there to watch and listen.

CONS: One thing I hate about being a drummer. The setting up the drum set and then tearing it down! And the bloody click track that keeps beeping and beeping! I know that I need to hear it and I tell them that I want it so loud that my hears will bleed..but I just wish I had the natural talent of keeping time and not rushing or slowing down. So...yeah...that's the only thing. After that...I am all good!

This weekend was good. I chilled with Jon and everyone else. Good times! Slowly starting to get to know everyone (don't really get to see them often cause they go to school)

My friend, Jamie, who works at the BEC and Tooth & Nail Recording Company, gave me the new Falling Up cd today that suppose to come out next year!!! I thought that was cool. I might be able to see them Thursday night. I heard that they put on a awesome show. The singer does back-flips and stuff. Good stuff!

Oh, and I recommend everyone to go buy the
Andy Davis cd. He is awesome! I am going to see him Friday night. I saw him once (thanks to Tim) and he was great. He played some songs with a full band, and the rest where just him and his guitar. But I heard that he does a mad show whenever he has a full band behind him on every song!

And talking about Tim, I will be recording with him this coming weekend. We will be covering a Ben Harper song. I like playing "smooth" songs. I just like the feeling of chilling while playing.

But tonight...oh my goodness....the weather is great! When you see it! I love winter. I had my first cup of hot coco. Good stuff!

The Astros are sucking it up! These guys need to understand...they have been a team since 1962 and this is their first time going to the WORLD SERIES!!! LETS GO GUYES>>>GET WITH THE PROGRAM! (woah...wait...what am I doing!?! GO YANKESS!!! "

I think that is enough from me tonight. Take care and God Bless!



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