Another day at work....

Yeah right it was!
I met Matt Hoopes of Relient K two days ago. He walked right pass me whenever I was helping a custormer. At first I didn't believe what I saw, but I stood there going..
"nah..that couldn't be...but it did look like..nah"
I turned around and for was him. I just went up there and started talking to him and told him that I was going to see them next week. I told him that I had to get back to work and he asked where I department I worked at and I told him with all the digital cameras and camcorders. He said that he will be there in a little while. This guy was so cool. He got ink for his printer and the new Tiger Woods game for the PS2. We talked about 20 minutes and it was great.
So yeah..I met Matt Hoopes. And for all you punks that don't believe me is proof. He signed a cd! WORD TO ALL YOUR MOTHERS!
That was the short version..cause I know that my blogs can get pretty long.
You are so amazingly cool. Teach me your ways Yoda.
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