Fast and Simple

Got pics up of Relient K and Home!
Reason for not havinig alot of pic of Relient K...well...let's just say I snuck the camera in! But I got pics with most of the band.
Quick Review
Rufio was mad fast and good.
Relient K owned the show! They were awesome!
MxPx! What can I say...everyone needs some old school punk rock! Good band.
Going home was great. I needed it. Jon and I had fun on the way home with all our family and friends....and on the way back. Got to see Shannon! WHOOP! and the aggie band march. Troy is huge and so is Tiger. Cookie is still a crump. And my brother got a pimp car! Going to take a pic of it whenever I go back home.
Now I am back in Nashville, and I got my hands pretty full. Working at Best Buy and recording with some friends at Belmont. Can't wait for that!
Well, that's about it. Fast and Simple!
I can't believe you came all the way in and I DIDN'T see you!! Man, what is that!?!!
But, I'm glad you had a good time!! :o)
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