am knocking at your door!!!!
Today I turned in the rest of the paper work. Just want to give a shout out to......
Mrs. Compton, Todd Wright, and Ryan Finn - for sending in those Recommendation forms! Thanks for the awesome things you said.
Shannon Alexander - for being able to get all the crap done so I can get my Texas A&M transcript!
Mom - sending me money! ( Keep it coming! ) and always believing in me.
grandma - sending me money too :) and asking me everytime I talk to you on the phone when I am coming home. I miss you!
To all my friends - thanks for the late night talks and encouragement! Keep praying for me!
God - for what You've done, are doing, and what You are going to do. Thanks for this amazing talent that I owe it all to You. I am nothing without you. Thanks for taking me as I am.
Guys...I didn't want to post about this cause I am afraid of the answer that I will get. Just pray (not just crossing your fingers..that's for you Julie! :P ) If I don't get in next semester....there's always fall!!!!
Love always,
Edwin <><
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