New Song and Good stuff!

My friend, Kelsey, asked me to record a song with him the day before Thanksgiving. We started recording around 1215 in the morning. Reason being was that I had to work that late. So, I got there and set up my drum set. I listened to the songs that he had already recorded with a click track. It was really cool. Alot of guitar overdubes...and cool! While listening to it for the "however many times I listened to it" (which was a bit much). My part just hit me. Like..."BAM"...right in the face!! So here is the song; "Name". (Really don't know what to name it)
Last Sat., I ran into Bebo Norman. It was pretty cool. Him and his wife were getting a new camera. They are going to Hawaii for their Anniversary. But I rung them out and we talked for about 10 minutes. I told him that I saw him play in Lufkin, Tx behind Chick-fil-a. And then it dawned on me...Shannon loves Bebo Norman. So...this is what I said, "Hey, my girlfriend back in TX loves you! You mind talking to her and freaking her out?". He said sure. So I called her up and said that I had someone that she needs to talk to. So I gave him the phone and they talked away! Mean while, I was talking to his wife and she graduated from Belmont! They both thought that it was cool that I am applying there. So...yeah.....good stuff!
But check this out....I ran into someone today at Best Buy. You guys ever heard of Josh Gracsin? Well, I met him today at Best Buy, but didn't really know it was him till I asked him about his drivers lisence. I am use to TN DL and he had a Michagian DL. He told me that he hasn't had time to get a new one cause he is on the road alot. So I asked him what he did, and he told me that he is a country singer. So..he told me his name and the names of the singles that were out and I was like "Cool! I'll check it out." The whole intire time I was thinking "Is this the dude that sings "Big Brass Bed"?" I didn't want to ask him that cause if he would of said no...I would of felt bad. But the song is really called "Stay With Me (Big Brass Bed)". So yeah...I knew who he was...but I really didn't know who he was!" lol (Mom, if you are reading this "We're going bowling...but we're not going bowling" :D ) So yeah...good stuff!
Well, tell me what you think of the song (whoever still reads this) and check out those two aritest!
Much Love,
Edwin <><
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